Fotografia by Né - Ribeira dos Caldeirões, Achada - Nordeste São Miguel Açores

domingo, 3 de janeiro de 2010

The Weather in My Soul

[Os que me conhecem sabem que volta e meia puxo da língua das minhas raízes, por isso haverá hipótese de este se tornar um blogue um tanto ou quanto bilingue... Inglesices...]

When the storm yells outside, I start my journey back into the bays of my soul, where the weather is not always pleasant, but at least it is a common place… There, the leaves are always golden orange or brown, the sun keeps shining and peeking through them, even though it’s cold and every once in a while abundant and fluffy snowflakes fall to complete the scenery… A paradoxical weather? Yes, indeed, for that is the essence of a human soul… Feels cosy and safe inside, though…

1 comentário:

  1. sometimes we have to say the the words that we have in our heart,in our mint.
    portuguese our inglish.
    jut come out!!!!!!!!!!!!


E tu, estás inspirado/(a)?